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Dovely Lay

 ‘Dum-dum, duh-duh-dah dum dah-dadda dum-dum da-dah dah dum dah-dadda-dum-dum-dadda-dah-dum dah-dadda dum-dum dah-dum-dum ooh-wee…   His hand bangs on the bedpod wall. 10 years after personal control was outlawed, Tam Johnson still wants to smash his remote...

7 Ways To Stop WFH Feeling Like House Arrest

 How’s WFH working out for you? Skipping to your laptop each morning like a frisky spring lamb? Or starting it up sheepishly cos you know your inbox will be peppered with virtual cow pats? Granted, pretty much any type of work in these dystopian times is better than...

Boxing Clever: 7 Life Lessons From Famous Fights

For serious fight fans, no sport is nearly as transcendent as boxing. The contrasts of combat are vivid and visceral. Bloody yet beautiful. Balletic and ballistic. This is a game you don’t play  ̶  with no teammates to blame when things go wrong, where defeat might...

Toonhill Redemption

Ma hero is a ghost. He walks by ma side every day. He’s in me an aw aroond me. He’s the spirit that helps me struggle through anythin life throws at me. He’s the fists that punch ma way through the muck o the grave an the hands that claw ma way upwards tae the light....

X Marks The Spot

Ye push the crayon intae the thick paper an draw the picture o hame the way ye kin best express it. It’s no like a square hoose an clouds an rainbow colours but it’s your hame: ye ken it like naebody else. But a boy sez ‘that disnae look like a hoose’ an teacher sez...

For The Moment

Early in the April mornin Ah hear the kraawk o craws, the kroo-kroo o doos and countless call an response chirps an cheeps o unknown provenance. Ah keek through ma windae at the Glen oer the road an seagulls stalk the grass by the bairns’ playpark as the trees...